A remarkable resound of applause and captivated inquiries came at Phountain president Glenn Taylor when the topic arose about "how to market your practice". Taylor's experience in promoting his products and his educational program was founded on a proven marketing approach with a careful blend of face-time, web and social media. His alkaline lifestyle "gets thousands of reviews and hits per week from a $300 a month marketing investment"- speaking about his text-marketing method. He continued to wow the group as they took dedicated notes as he outlined the 'right way to' use digital media, social media, webmarketing and video educational projects to increase one's online reputation as a true recruiter for patients and clients.
"I love these members," started Taylor. "They work so hard at focusing on their patients needs - and no one deserves more recognition than them. I just shared what I do because the results helped to build my franchise today. Harnessing the web took a lot of trial and error and I'm still poking at it, but every one of these docs should be blogging, tweeting and putting themselves out there via web... Just call me and I'll teach them how it all works!"
It was this generosity of information and care that won him a place at the board of electives as a chairperson for the Care Givers Group.
As the alliance is about relationship building, the Care Givers are a unique group of professionals who spend their lives committed to the betterment of others. "Someone's gotta take care of the care givers- I guess that's going to have to be US... or EACH OTHER", states Joseph Soulier- Island Better Hearing and events coordinator.